But when we talk about that movie,
we call it Roman Polanski's Chinatown.
That's a possessive credit from a Director's
Guild point of view, which is very unfair.
It is Roman Polanski's Chinatown.
It's also Bob Towne's Chinatown.
But, more so, and I don't say this from an
egotistical way, it's Bob Evans' Chinatown.
I was on the picture for five years, four
years, and Roman was on it for nine months.
But it says,
"Roman Polanski's Chinatown."
My first independent production had its
origins over a steak dinner with Bob Towne.
Towne unraveled
an original story he was writing.
"It's about how Los Angeles
became a boomtown, Evans.
Incest and water.
It's set in the '30s.
Second-rate shamus gets eighty-sixed
by a mysterious socialite.
I'm writing it for Nicholson."
I had met Nicholson a few years back
and we'd become great pals.
Sounds perfect for Irish.
What's it called?
You mean it takes place in Chinatown?
"No, no, no. Chinatown
is a state of mind."
Oh, I got it.
I had no idea what the
fuck he was talking about.
Six months later, Towne delivered
his first draft of the script.
Just like the title, it was pure Chinese.
Was I alone in my confusion?
Nobody, I mean nobody, understood it.
One day, I was summoned
to a meeting with Charles Bluhdorn.
"Evans, don't make
this your first picture.
No one at the studio
understands a word of it.
The only place it'll play
is in your projection room."
I'm thinking, thinking, thinking...
I knew I had Nicholson locked.
And even though I didn't understand the
script, I knew Towne was a brilliant writer.
Sorry, Charlie, Chinatown is my next picture.
I'm gonna make it.