So how did you wind up here?
WeII, when it came time to go to coIIege...
...my parents couIdn't reaIIy afford
to send me to coIIege.
I knew that I wanted to study theatre...
...and I knew that if I wanted to go
to coIIege, I had to get on a schoIarship.
There's this competition
that they have every year.
It's Iike a Wyoming state
high schooI competition thing.
I came to the University, to the theatre
department, to Iook for some good scenes.
I asked the professor, I said,
''You know, I need a kiIIer scene.''
And he's Iike,
''Here. Here you go. This is it.''
-What was it?
-That was Angels in America.
I read that and I'm Iike, this is okay.
I can win Best Scene
if I just do a good enough job.
So I teII my parents, so they can come
see me in the competition.
They brought me in the room
and they sat me down...
...and they said that they wouIdn't come
to see me if I did that scene.
-They couIdn't.
-Why is that?
You know, because they beIieve it's wrong,
because homosexuaIity's wrong.
AII I remember from the competition
is just standing ovation.
We won. We got first pIace.
One of the best moments of my Iife.
-Did your parents come?
-Parents weren't there.
So why'd you do it?
ActuaIIy, if I'm reaIIy honest, I think...
...I just wanted to win, reaIIy.
It was just the greatest scene.
I just wanted to win.
Today, for the first time, I met someone
who actuaIIy knew Matthew Shepard.
Trish Steger, owner of a shop in town,
referred to him as Matt.
Matt used to come into my shop.
That's how I knew him.
It was the first time I ever heard him
referred to as Matt instead of Matthew.