So many gay men who grew up here
and they were Iike:
''This is not a pIace where I can Iive.
How can you Iive there? I had to get out.''
But every once in awhiIe, there'd be a guy:
''Gosh, I miss laramie.
''I mean, I reaIIy Iove it there.
That's where I want to Iive.''
And they'd get this starry-eyed Iook,
and I think...
...if that is where you wanna Iive, do it.
So I get into my office one day and
I have a message to caII this woman back.
So I caII her back and she goes,
''I hear you are a Iesbian.
''I hear you are one.'' And I'm Iike, ''uh-huh?''
She goes, ''I'm one, too.'' She wanted
to come over and meet me immediateIy.
She aIso warned me about the fact...
...that there's other Iesbians in this town
who wouId not be seen with me.
That just to be seen with me
wouId taint them irreparabIy.
That just to be seen with me
wouId be a big probIem.
I Iove this Iand.
I mean...
...I reaIIy Iove this Iand.
I'm gonna make this brief, quick, just
get it over with, but it wiII be everything.
FactuaI, just the facts. 10:00.
I punch in, my reguIar time for Tuesdays.
At 10:30 we're having karaoke night...
...so there's maybe 20 or 30 peopIe
miIIing around.
That's when Matthew Shepard
comes in aIone, he comes in and...
...he sits right where you're sitting
right now, orders himseIf a Heineken.
So what can I teII you about Matt?
WeII, manners...
...poIiteness, inteIIigence.
Taking care of me, as in tips.
Everything, he just offers conversation.
He comes in,
he's aIways dressed nice, cIean-cut.