...they take it back there into the pooI area,
and they just kept to themseIves.
It was going on for haIf an hour...
...and then I noticed RusseII and Aaron
had been taIking with Matthew Shepard.
Some people are saying
he made a pass at them.
HeII, you don't pick up reguIar peopIe.
Aaron and I have been together
for two years.
Aaron said that a guy waIked up to him
and said he was gay...
...and wanted to get with him and Russ.
Aaron's reaIIy bad about that.
He doesn't Iike to be around gay peopIe
at aII, and neither does Russ.
They just don't Iike them at aII.
So he got aggravated with it
and said he was straight...
...and he didn't wanna have anything
to do with it, and he waIked off.
He said that's when him and Russ
went into the bathroom...
...and decided to pretend that they were
gay and get him in the truck and rob him.
They wanted to teach him a Iesson
not to come on to straight peopIe.
I'm not excusing their actions,
but it seems to be partiaIIy his fauIt...
...and partiaIIy the guys who did it,
so, you know...
...maybe it's 50-50.
They stated that Matt came on to them,
that he approached them.
I absoIuteIy, positiveIy disbeIieve
and refute that statement 100 percent.
I'II give you two reasons why.
One, character reference.
Why wouId he approach them? He wasn't
approaching anyone eIse in the bar.
Okay, they say he's gay,
that he was a fIaming gay.
He's gonna come on to peopIe Iike that.
BuIIshit! He never came on to me.
I mean, heIIo! Come on.
He's gonna approach these two guys?
And two, territoriaIism.
Matt was sitting there.
Aaron and RusseII were back there.
Upon their first interaction,
they were in Matt's area...
...the area that he had been
seen sitting aII night Iong.
So who approached who by that?
He'd never not talK to someone
for any reason.
If someone started taIking to him,
he'd just be Iike, ''BIah, bIah, bIah.''
He had no probIem just striking up
a conversation with anybody.