I'm not super familiar with that area...
...which now maKes me thinK that
God wanted me to find him.
I was going for a ride on my biKe...
...and I noticed something
just laying there by the fence.
I think it's a scarecrow.
HaIIoween's coming up.
I think it's a HaIIoween gag.
I even noticed his chest
moving up and down.
I stiII thought it was a dummy.
I thought it was some kind of mechanism.
But when I....
When I saw hair...
...his hair...
...I knew it was a human being.
So what'd you do?
I ran to the nearest house
as fast as I couId and caIIed the poIice.
The Sheriff's Department
held a news conference today.
They're investigating the attempted
murder of 22-year-old Matthew Shepard.
The Sheriff says
they found the man badly beaten...
...and unconscious,
tied to a fence last night.
The brutal attacK left
Matthew Shepard in a coma.
The bicyclist who found him
said he first thought it was a scarecrow.
In jail now, charged with the crime...
...21-year-old Russell Henderson
and Aaron McKinney, of Kidnapping....
The victim, Matthew Shepard...
...is in very critical condition at this hour
in Poudre Valley Hospital.
The arraignment tooK place on Friday
around lunchtime.
More detaiIs about the case
had come out...
...Iike the fact that the perpetrators
themseIves were kids.
Kids, local Kids, that everyone who's from
around here has some relationship to.