I immediateIy got him back on his back.
And that was just enough
of an adjustment.
It gave me just enough room for me to
sIip my knife in there and to cut him free.
And then Rob drove the ambulance to
Ivinson Hospital's emergency room.
Once we saw Matthew, it was obvious
that his care was beyond our capabilities.
Phoned the neurosurgeon
over at Poudre VaIIey...
...and Matthew was on his way
in an hour and 15 minutes, I think.
A coupIe of days Iater,
they showed me a picture of Matthew.
I wouId have never recognized him.
Said defendants Ieft the victim...
...tied to the fence, begging for his Iife.
You'd liKe to thinK
it was somebody from out of town...
...that's come through
and beaten up somebody.
But when you're seeing someone
who's been beaten...
...repeatedIy by someone
in our own town...
...now that certainIy offends us.
And that's a good word.
It offends us.
The defendants wiII remain in the custody
of the County Sheriff's Department...
...untiI dates can be set for their triaIs.
It was huge.
It was herds,
and we are taIking hundreds of reporters...
...which maKes a huge dent
in this town's population.
laramie, Wyoming,
often caIIed ''the gem city of the pIains''...
...is now at the eye of the storm.
PeopIe wouId Iike to think
what happened is the exception....
There were reporters everywhere,
news trucKs in town, on campus...