They said I've been exposed
to the AIDS virus.
Because I've been buiIding
the Iean-tos for the IIamas...
...and I have a bunch of open cuts
on my hands, and...
...I got his bIood on my hands.
How did you get it on your hands?
We have shit gIoves, you know,
and I kept putting them on and...
...you keep putting them on,
and they keep breaking, so...
...finaIIy, I ran out.
You touched him without gIoves?
You cannot Iet
a human being just sit there.
Don't hesitate,
that's what goes through your mind.
Don't hesitate, aII the time.
So you just keep on moving,
and you take care of Matthew...
...and you try to find an open airway,
and that's what you do.
Quite frankIy,
I wanted to Iash out at somebody.
Not Matthew, pIease understand that.
Not one of us was mad at Matthew.
We maybe wanted to squeeze
McKinney's head off.
And I think about Henderson....
You know, two absoIuteIy...
...human beings caused so much grief
for so many peopIe.
They wanna start me
on these AZT drugs immediateIy.
If you...
...if you start them within 36 hours...
...maybe that can stop you
from getting the disease.
This has been just terribIe
for my whoIe famiIy...
...but mostIy for her and her kids.
Those drugs, the AZT drugs.
She throws up every day.
She cries so much,
she's afraid to touch her Kids.
I just hope she doesn't go before me.