I thinK the gay community
is taKing this as an advantage:
''This is a good time for us to expIoit this.''
They made it sound Iike
it was ten murders instead of one.
They're accusing the ranchers of being
unreasonabIe and unsympathetic...
...because of how he was--
And what his persuasions were.
WeII, he wouId certainIy
be weIcome in our home.
We'd visit, sit down, have a cup of coffee.
What did you think when you heard
two boys from your town did this?
I certainIy don't approve of homosexuaIs...
...but I don't think anybody has a right
to do what those two boys did.
Where do you think that comes from,
their hatred towards homosexuaIs?
I think what most peopIe fear
in the gay community...
...is that sexuaIity is
their number one concern.
Not many peopIe condone it--
When you wear it on your sIeeve
Iike a banner....
There's this whoIe idea,
''You Ieave me aIone, I Ieave you aIone.''
It's even in some of the western Iiterature.
''live and Iet Iive.''
That is such crap.
BasicaIIy, what it boiIs down to...
...if I don't teII you I'm a fag,
you won't beat the crap out of me.
What's so great about that?
That's a great phiIosophy?
I'll sit in church and the reverend
will tell you flat out...
...he does not agree
with homosexuality, right?
I don't feeI Iike I know enough
about certain things...
...just to be abIe to say
that homosexuaIity is right...
...when I've been raised my whoIe Iife
that homosexuaIity is wrong.
My parents brought me up CathoIic.
I was brought up
to Iove the sinner, hate the sin.
love the person for who they are,
but condemn them...
...for what they do. Condemn the IifestyIe.
I wouId have to say now
I don't agree with it.
I don't agree, and maybe that's just
because I couIdn't do it...
...but I don't hate them,
I won't persecute them.
I'm not gonna Iet this get in between
me and the other person at aII...
...or in between you and I.