-Reverend, hi.
I'm Amanda.
I'm with the theatre company...
...that's been speaking with peopIe
here in laramie.
I see. WeII, Iet me teII you...
...I don't know that I reaIIy want to taIk
with anybody at aII about this incident.
I'm somewhat invoIved,
and I reaIIy don't feeI Iike it's appropriate.
I compIeteIy understand. I just wanted
to teII you, I went to your service.
-You went to the services?
-Yes, I did.
-On Sunday?
-Did I meet you?
You weIcomed us in the beginning.
I see.
I wiII teII you that I am invoIved.
HaIf the peopIe in the case....
The girIfriend of the accused
is a member of our congregation...
...and one of the accused has visited.
I think they deserve the death penaIty...
...but I wiII try
to deaI with them spirituaIIy.
As far as the victim...
...I know that that IifestyIe is IegaI,
but I wiII teII you one thing.
I hope Matthew Shepard...
...as he was tied to that fence...
...that he had time to refIect
on a moment when...
...somebody had spoken
the Word of the lord to him...
...and that before he sIipped into a coma...
...he had a chance to refIect on his IifestyIe.
Thank you, Reverend,
I appreciate your speaking with me.
AII right. We better go.
I Iet him say that to me.
I Iet him say that to me,
and I didn't say anything back.