At midnight, on Monday, October 12...
...Matthew Shepard's bIood pressure
began to drop.
We immediateIy notified the famiIy,
who were aIready at the hospitaI.
At 12:53 a.m...
...Matthew Shepard died.
His famiIy was at his bedside.
The famiIy did reIease
the foIIowing statement.
They again asked me to express
their sincerest gratitude...
...to the entire worId...
...for the overwheIming response
to their son.
The famiIy was gratefuI
that they did not have to...
...make a decision regarding whether or
not to continue Iife support for their son.
''like a good son,
he was caring to the end...
''...and removed guiIt or stress
from the famiIy.
''He came into the worId premature...
''...and Ieft the worId premature.
''Matthew's mother said:
We'd been up for 72 hours straight...
...and had gone home
and gone to sleep for half an hour...
...and get up and come,
maybe I was just way....
I don't Know.