Hello, singing?
We can't play funk
without a bass line.
Or black guys.
We'll find someone.
We don't need Ditz.
Oh, you don't? So somebody else
is getting you paying gigs?
We headline at homecoming
in two weeks.
Someone talking to us?
I don't hear anything.
Is Diz.
Whas wrong with you people?
I was an asshole at the mall.
World-class asshole.
They're scouting me for Asshole
Olympics. I'm carrying the torch.
Come on, you guys, I'm sorry.
I got no good excuse for what I did.
Is not easy being the big bull.
You're the big bullshit!
Gil's the big bull.
Yeah, but thas me.
Is it?
So, what makes you any different
from any other high school thug?
Quit it!
It wasn't me?
Then who was it?
Hi, guys. Ed Ligget.
The marching band is collecting
bottles for the homeless.
Ironically, taking away
their only job.
Any donations would be appreciated.
You know what the homeless need?
A midget.
Why would they need a midget?
Shut up!
Hey! Quit it!
What a throw.