Okay, class. Take your seats.
-Can Blossom sit with us?
-Can we sit with Bubbles?
Can Buttercup sit here?
The girls can sit right in the middle,
so they'll be next to everyone.
Now, let's begin!
Hello, Professor.
Right on time.
Your girls are outside
with the others.
Oh, no! Look at this mess.
I knew the girls would
be a handful, but I'm so sorry.
What, this?
This is what happens
when you put 20 kids in one room.
Your girls were perfect.
Perfect, normal,
well-behaved little girls.
-Nothing out of the ordinary?
-No. Like what?
-That was sweet!
-What's the point of this game, anyway?
Tag! You're it!
Everyone's running from her
like she's been infected!
-Maybe she's a freak.
-Yeah, and they hate her!
-You're it!
-Tag! You're it!
Oh, no! I've been affected!
-All right, what's going on here?
-I've been affected!
You're not infected, it's just a game.
-It is?
-A game? Neat!
-Yeah, how do we play?
Okay, look, it's very simple.
Bubbles, tag me.
Come on, it's okay.
All right, now I'm it.
And all you gots to do to play
is tag someone else, and they're it.
By the way, you're it!
Awesome, I'm it! What do I do?
What do I do?
Just tag someone else,
and they're it!