Girls, we didn't know
if you'd be joining us today.
Take your seats.
I'm sorry to say there won't be
any recess for a while...
...due to all the reconstruction.
Secondly, I'm afraid we won't have
any lights or water for a while.
And a broken refrigerator
means snack-time is out...
...so let's try to ignore
all the workmen and noise and such...
...and get right to work, shall we?
Girls, can you recite
the alphabet for us?
Girls? ABCs?
A, B, C, D.... E!
Hey, galldang it!
You done darn broke my board.
Flamdanggling consarglers.
Almost time to pick up the girls.
Better motor.
That's him, boys!
He's in cahoots
with the evil pickle-cart killers...
...cucumber crushers,
vinegar varlets, dill-stroyers!
Why, it's not kosher! It's--
Let it go, Mayor. Let it go.
-Are these your babies?
-Yes, but they were just playing.
They're really very good little girls.
And I need to pick them up from school.
I understand, sir...
...but we want you to come downtown
with us to ask you a few questions.
You guys, my kids.
I really ought to pick them up.
I can't just leave them there...