That's enough. Good.
We'll do the rest on Thursday.
Now, that's a good girl. I'll get you your purse...
...and your gloves.
Until Thursday, then, you bawdy wench.
- Hold me. Touch me.
- Thursday.
And then we'll finish playing
the Contessa and Rudolfo?
First thing on Thursday.
And after that...
...we'll play "The Abduction
and the Cruel Rape of Lucretia"...
...and I'll be Lucretia.
And I'll be Rape. On Thursday. That's wonderful.
Lucretia, you forgot the checkie.
Can't produce plays without checkie.
I had it with me all the time.
Is it okay? I made it out to "cash."
You didn't say the play's name.
Fine. Good. Thursday.
Good-bye, my powder pigeon. Bye-bye.
- Ta-ta.
- Ta-ta.
He who signs the lease, must pay rent.
That's the law.
Why, you're a thief.
How can you take the last penny
out of a poor man's pocket?
I have to.
I'm a landlord.