Yes, right. Good thinking. You figure it out.
I'm tired. I'm gonna take a little nap.
Wake me if there's a fire.
Let's see if we add these we get, 10...
It's absolutely amazing.
Under the right circumstances...
...a producer could make
more money with a flop...
...than he could with a hit.
Yes, it's quite possible.
If he were certain that the show would fail,
a man could make a fortune!
- Yes what?
- What you were saying? Keep talking.
What was I saying?
That under the right circumstances...
...a producer could make
more money with a flop...
...than he could with a hit.
Yes, it's quite possible.
You keep saying that, but you don't tell me how.
How can a producer
make more money with a flop...
...than he could with a hit?
It's simply a matter of creative accounting.
Let's assume, just for the moment,
that you are a dishonest man.
- Assume away.
- It's very easy.
You simply raise
more money than you really need.
What do you mean?
You did it yourself,
only you did it on a very small scale.
What'd I do?
You raised $2,000 more than you needed
to produce your last play.
So? What did it get me?
I'm wearing a cardboard belt!
That's where you made your mistake.
You didn't go all the way.
You see, if you were really a bold criminal,
you could have raised $1 million.
But the play only cost me $60,000 to produce.
And how long did it run?
- One night.
- You see?
Do you see what I'm trying to say?
You could have raised $1 million,
put on a $60,000 flop...
...and kept the rest.
- But what if the play was a hit?
- Then you'd go to jail.
Once the play's a hit,
you have to pay the backers...
...and with so many, there could never be
enough profits to go around. Get it?