Page ten.
"French Break Communist Siege. "
They didn't use much, did they?
Nothing here about
the villagers that were killed.
What did the French papers say?
Headlines blame it on the communists,
of course.
Well, a month is a month.
What else can you tell me
about this General Thé?
He's set himself up against both
the French and the communists.
Do you think he'd give me an interview
if I went up there?
Difficult to say.
Perhaps if he thought
he could get his message across.
The problem would be
getting it past the censor.
No, the real problem would be
to get close to the Cambodian border
and back before dark.
The communists control that road at night.
So many Europeans
have been killed out there.
I am Thomas Fowler of the London Times
and I'm here to interview General Thé.
I'm Thomas Fowler of the London Times.
I'm here to see General Thé.
September, October, November...
I'd seen Pyle only once since
he'd asked Phuong to marry him,
at the Continental.
He'd been polite, of course -
how was I, how was Phuong?
He'd been busy, he said, out of the city,
working on his medical programme.
Though somehow,
I wasn't surprised to see him.
I was surprised to be pleased to see him.