Horrible things.
Like they had been burned inside her.
And it only happened around Samara.
Like the girl put them there.
Were you Samaras doctor too?
Was there anything wrong with her?
You mean medically?
I mean whatever you mean.
When Darby there was born...
we knew something wasn't right with him.
we loved him anyway.
Takes work, you know.
Some people have limits.
So what happened to her?
I referred them to Eola
Psychiatric, on the mainland.
I assume she's still there.
You don't know?
How could you not know?
We've been through a lot of
hard years out here.
Mean winters,
small halls, no fish.
And that was a long before the horses!
See, when you live on an island
you catch a cold, it's
everybody's cold.
No offence mam, but what the hell
does that mean?
It means that ever since
that girls been gone
things have been better.
Man, we are really going back
in time here.
Yeah, the lady in the reception
said it's still should be here.
Should be. You said you are
the patients father, right?
Yep! Richard Morgan, that's me.
What is your secret?
Diet and exercise, man.
No shit!
It's all it takes.
You know, I'm not an idiot.
You try and walk out of here with my file,
and I'll be on you like white on rice!
You understand?
No man!
I just wanna watch it.
I'm responsible for every filed
tape in here.