You know, do it.
[ laughs ]
Oh, are you mad?
I would lose my tenure.
And I'm a married man.
But aren't you
hitting on me?
Well, for a hummer, sure.
I've heard
you're talented, Miss Hynde.
And it certainly
can't hurt your GPA.
So, shall we?
So where did you
spend last summer?
- Berlin.
- Paul: Sprechen sie Deutsch?
- Do you speak German?
- No.
- What the f--?
- You don't?
No. Why?
Well, I don't know.
I just assumed, since
you spent the summer in Berlin--
I thought maybe you--
No. Berlin, New Hampshire.
Sean's voice:
I need to get some more pot.
I'm running out.
And I need to get laid.