-It's not right.
-You think?
Something's off.
We can do better.
This dude in my CMA meeting...
...he fucked my sister.
-That's fucked.
He's a quantum physicist.
He's telling me about uncertainty.
You never know what
a molecule is doing.
When you look at it, it changes,
it reacts. Like people.
You wouldn't know what I was doing
unless you were looking.
You're so locked in,
I could choke you!
So here's the deal.
We'll do an experiment. Look at me.
Look away. Look back at me.
So that's where I found myself.
No, I should choose
my words more wisely.
This is the world I sought out.
The land of the perpetual night party.
Day swallowing night
and night swallowing day.
The crank compressing time
like some divine piston...
...on its awesome downstroke.
We've been at this for three days.
Or is it four?
Tweekers, lokers, slammers,
coming and going...
...swearing eternal allegiance
for one another...
...only to wake up realizing
you wouldn't cross the street...
...to piss on them
if their head was on fire.
Three days.
Or is it four?
I know what you're thinking
but don't give up on me yet.
Just wait till I've told
my whole story.