I put it there? What were you doing?
-Get off me!
-What the fuck are you doing?
-Come here!
-Get the fuck out of here.
-What the fuck?
-Get off me!
Ride them, cowboy.
It's a classy truck.
You like that?
You consider my proposition?
Get in, hoss. We'll talk it over.
Jimmy, listen to me.
I am in dire need of some cash.
You see that?
That is what I am talking about.
You're smooth. You use
words like "dire" and shit.
You got language skills, son.
-"I'm in dire need of some cash."
I want to do a big score
with Pooh-Bear.
And you know one of his dealers.
That guy you were talking to,
Big Bill.
-You can get ahold of him.
Hook me up with him. Tell him
I wanna make a deal with Pooh-Bear.