"Zdrastuyte", William Cabot.
President Nemerov.
Pleasure, sir.
May I present Mrs. Lathrop.
Mr. President.
- General Rand.
- Mr. President.
- And Dr. Ryan.
- Mr. President.
You must be the Dr. Ryan who's done
such interesting research on me.
You should not be surprised by this.
We know quite a bit.
For instance, we know
how wrong you were that...
I had many girlfriends in college.
I met my wife in my third year and
haven't looked at other women since.
I was referring
to the first two years...
I like him.
In that case, so do I.
Let me apologize for interjecting
myself in your inspection tour.
But there is a message I wish
for you to take to President Fowler.
You could just call him
on the phone.