Still loving your desk job?
Yeah, I am.
How's your Russian?
It still works.
Three Russian nuclear scientists
are missing.
I need to know where they are.
I thought I wasn't
doing this anymore.
I just need information
this time,Johnny.
Your orders are on the plane.
Wheels up at 2330.
Have a nice flight.
Sunday night at 8:00
at the Hilton.
The tickets are under the name
of John Clark.
- You do have a tux?
- Yeah! Yes, sir.
My beautiful wife, Julie...
is from New Jersey...
15 electoral votes.
And is, as you know,
half Jewish...
so we'll take Florida's
25 electoral votes and divide by two.
- This is a nice hotel.
- Yeah, it's beautiful.
My friend Rita stayed here once.
She said it was real nice.
Maybe after dinner, we can...
- I don't know. We could get a room.
- I already did.
She reminds me that I have
publicly acknowledged...
- No, you didn't.
- Yes, I did.
I did, on a handful of occasions,
smoke marijuana.
54 electoral votes.