I put a little extra
in the escrow account for him.
Because he won't live
long enough to receive it.
Where is the package?
It left Haifa a week ago.
I'm told these things
can kill you.
But so much has changed.
Perhaps the new situation...
suggests we consider
a different approach?
Maybe try to bring Russia...
more into Europe,
more into our way of thinking.
We have discussed that,
Monsieur Monceau.
And with your concurrence,
rejected it.
Oh, perhaps we were hasty.
Perhaps our plan is...
Is what?
Well, not perfectly conceived.
Well, I respect the will
and judgment of my friends.
But in light of the week's events,
I am grown...
uncomfortable with this plan.
So I must beg your leave.
Herr Haft will help you out.