Tian xia wu shuang

Amour Amour, where are you going?
I need to run some errands. Be back soon.
Go away! Go!
I hate greedy people!
You have never treated my sister
well before.

Now it is too late.
Our restaurant will serve none of you!
Good brother, there are a lot of
rumors out there

It says the Emperor was just fooling
around with your sister.

No, he won't.
I have spent time with that man.
I really know him.
And I will protect my sis from
being fooled with.

I will go find the Emperor tomorrow.
Our fault!
Such nonsense!
How could a gust of wind blow
the Princess away?

If you fail to bring the Princess back,
All heads would roll.
Be at peace the Queen Mother!
I just wish to volunteer...
To lead the lmperial Troop.
To find the Princess back.
I want a chance to prove myself
And to show the Queen Mother
my repentance.

Wish granted.
Thank you, Queen Mother.
An emperor must have some acting skills.
Finally, I have the chance to get
some fresh air.
