But there is nothing
I could tell about this time.
It was like a silent siesta.
Vacations in nothingness.
This is roughly
what I Iooked Iike.
Are you going to stay here
all your Iife?
It's just a bed,
not a breather.
You can walk now.
The thing is,
I have nowhere to go.
Nobody called from the bank?
Didn't a Nancy call?
My secretary.
The credit card company.
I work with three banks.
No one called?
Do you want tea?
You Iike being pampered.
Before dying
were you also Iike this?
No, I can't on the phone.
It's something personal.
Come over.
I'II cook something
and we'II have dinner.
See you then.
Call me tomorrow?
AIright. Bye.