You just made yours.
It's me.
Hey, dear, put the doc on.
What are you going to do?
She got the medicine,
and everything's cool.
Where are you?
We're going back.
Would you put the fucking doc on?
It is for you.
Hey, Will, how are you doing?
I got a little news updated for you.
Here's the little lady.
-Oh, baby
Are you Okay? What's happening?
I saw Abby, she had an attack.
Did you treat her... is she all right?
Just fine for now, I left her medicinea little bit.
She's miles away from a hospital.
Karen? Karen?
Oh, hey, calm down, college boy.
They keep the girl a little uptset,that's all.
All mommy fix it up.
Tears and scream,you know how it is.
Everything's fine now.
So listen, have fun, Okay?
You need a hanky, baby.
You, fuck!!
Jesus, what happened to you?
I'd like to wrestle with him
to look after for a fun.
You didn't get that from the fun.