Try Seventeen

-So, what do you think of Lisa?

-So, what do you think of Lisa?

Yeah, upstairs Lisa.
How do you mean?
-Well, you're seeing her, aren't you?
-Did she say something to you?

No. I just know.
-It's an old house. I know the creaks.

I know what goes on.
When she's in her bathroom
brushing her teeth...

...putting on a bit of eye makeup.
I hear her moVe from her apartment
to yours.

You let her in. She looks great.
She takes a seat on the couch,
makes herself comfortable.

You offer her something to drink
and excuse yourself to the kitchen.

"Mineral water?
Or I haVe a light beer. "

"Mineral water, please.
In a glass, if you don't mind?"

-Mineral water?
-Oh, come on.

It's not like I'm snooping, really.
I just hear it.

There's a lot of turnover upstairs.
Everybody leaves a story behind.

Now, I could tell those stories,
but I don't.

And I won't tell yours either, Jones.
Together this time. Six on the left
are mine, right are yours.

I love what you're doing
with the place.

-It's called acting.

-That, that....

That thing is a product of....
Product of....
