Buchenwald, Buchenwald...
What is there, Buchenwald?
A sort of work camp, for young men.
'l'm doing fine.
We're working hard. David.'
ln German...
What is the charge? ls there a charge?
No, no. We think the Germans
wanted to set an example.
After the strike in Amsterdam.
'Watch out, don't make trouble.'
He's not so bad off there. He's healthy,
he's always practised sports.
lt could easily
last a few months, though.
Strange how things go, isn't it?
lf you hadn't forgotten your bag...
Shall l make tea?
Please forgive me, Anna,
for not contacting you for so long.
We're all confused here.
But l think about you a lot
and l need you.
l'm scared, Anna. Help me.