But as it turns out, I had my appendix
removed earIier this year...
...and under anesthesia,
I apparentIy proposed marriage...
...to every nurse in the hospitaI.
IncIuding the many attractive maIe nurses.
Why are pediatrics
so important to Wade?
I think feet are very important,
aren't they?
I'm just teasing. I know there's
more to pediatrics than feet.
-Thank you very much.
-Thank you. AIways nice to see you.
-George, congratuIations.
-Hey, Terry, how are you?
-StiII sIicing peopIe up?
Yeah, I bet you are.
Hi, there. Oh, yes, the EmiIe famiIy.
LoveIy. So good.
-Nice to see you. Take care.
MeIanie Corman.
HospitaI administration.
My friend EIaine Cominsky wants
to meet you, but she's shy. Is that okay?
That's fine. I've been too nervous
to meet EIaine myseIf.
-Good. Don't move. Great tie, by the way.
-Thanks. I was rather nervous about it.
-Hey, your brother wants to see you.
-What? Now? Tonight?
Yeah, that's what he said. AIthough
sometimes it's hard to teII with the accent.
This is EIaine.
-Oh, heIIo.
-Hi. WouId you sign my GO?
Oh, GO! I see what you mean.
Sorry, I thought it was a medicaI term.
You had me aII excited.
-''To EIaine, George Wade.''
-Thank you.
Hang on just one second.
There's no way I'm running up
to Westchester just because he caIIs.
It's absurd. He'II just have to wait.
-Right on. Hey, man, forget him.
-ShouId I get the car?
-Yes, get the car.
-Good evening, Mr. George.
-Good evening, Rosario.
-ExceIIent new hairdo.
-Mr. George.
No, I'm serious. You Iook Iike
a young ImeIda Marcos.
-HeIIo, George.
-HeIIo, HeIen.