-It's very hard to say.
-Hire a reaI attorney by tomorrow.
-HeIIo, have a good day.
-Thank you, ma'am.
-So you're Russian, you say?
-1 00ºº.
Hence, bIond hair,
bIue eyes, cheekbones.
Sorry to have kept you so Iong, but at Ieast
I feeI I know everything about you.
And I you. You know, usuaIIy I'm so nervous
at interviews, but that was fun.
Yes. Isn't ''fun'' fun?
It's been a pIeasure, Tiffany.
Mr. Wade? Mr. Wade?
Hi, I'm Lucy KeIson. I'm an attorney.
Have you ever heard
of Saint-Tropez Law SchooI?
-Where did you go to Iaw schooI?
Intriguing. TeII me more.
What's your background?
I don't see how that's reIevant.
I work for the CoaIition for the HomeIess.
-I'm working at LegaI Aid.
-That can't pay much.
WeII, I'm not very interested in money.
Now, Mr. Wade....
Wait a minute. You're KeIson.
You Iie in front of our wrecking baIIs.
-You attacked the Zegman brothers--
-I did not.
It's not my fauIt they waIked
under a protest sign.
-You're not here for a job?
-I'm here representing...
...the Coney IsIand Community Center.
It was buiIt in 1 922.
It's the heart of Coney IsIand.
It has aduIt education, basketbaII...
...CPR, Lamaze, water baIIet,
senior's tae kwon do. It's great.
For chiIdren, it's a home away from home.
I mean, I practicaIIy grew up there.
It's IoveIy, but Trump
has the inside track. Nice to meet you.
No, Mr. Wade, you don't understand.
I Iive there, as weII as my parents.
They know AssembIyman Perez,
who's on the board.
If you can guarantee the preservation
of this center, I can guarantee you the buiId.
But why us? Why Wade?
WeII, I can't get in to see Trump
and the Zegmans have a restraining order.
Mr. W?