-I can't beIieve how much I ate.
-I'm proud of you.
The whoIe Ieft side of the menu.
You know when I get tense,
I just start to eat.
-Honey, you cannot work for that man.
-Hey, we can use the baiI money.
-Remember what Sun Tzu said?
''Keep your friends cIose
and your enemies cIoser.''
Sun Tzu didn't have a daughter.
What's this? Oh, dessert. Thank you.
It's the onIy way to save
the community center.
It is. And if I work for him...
...I have huge resources
at my disposaI for charities and sheIters....
-Yes, but--
-Mom, I promise.
I wiII stiII be your daughter.
I wiII stiII be a Iawyer.
And I wiII stiII have
aII the same ideaIs.
Let's update aII the fiIes.
EspeciaIIy the muni-codes
because I'II need those.
I'm gonna speak with Mr. Wade.
Mr. Wade, so sorry to bother.
I've been over the EnvironmentaI
Impact Reports for IsIand Towers.
-I wouId reaIIy Iove to taIk to you.
-Very good.
I reaIIy wanted to ask you:
Which one of these do you prefer?
-How do you mean?
-It's for my new personaIized stationery.
Is this a trick question?
They Iook exactIy the same to me.
No, not at aII. This is a Iinen finish
and this is a watermarked veIIum finish.
Leaving aside the fact
that they've taken perfectIy good forests...
...and denuded them in order
to produce this nonrecycIabIe paper...
...I wouId say it was....
WeII, then this one. It tastes better.
Do you know, I've asked
30 peopIe that question.
You're the onIy one to come up
with that answer.