Two Weeks Notice

-You aII right?
-I swaIIowed my AItoid.

She swaIIowed her AItoid. That can happen.
A sudden hair fIick, very dangerous.

Okay, George, I am tired.
Put her on the phone.

You mean, put her on the phone?
Put her on the phone!
AII right. Someone for you.

The man you're dancing
with is deepIy troubIed, okay?

And even though he's rich
and attractive...

:19:32're too young to trade
yourseIf Iike a stock on NASDAQ...

...for someone who won't
remember your name...

...or his in the morning,
is stiII married...

...and has recentIy had
a very suspicious rash.

It is 2:1 6.
Go home, finish high schooI
and reach your potentiaI!

You aII right?
I think I'm gonna go.
-What did you say to her? Nice chat?

That we have to taIk about.
Now, do you think I shouId cry?

I was thinking bursts of sobs.
More of a whimper.
You're pathetic. Good night.
AII right.
I'm sure he'II be here any minute.
Is there any more Diet Coke?

Sorry, everybody.
Did I miss the bIessed event?
Check with me before you taIk.
Now that we're aII here, I'd Iike to discuss
the settIement terms.
