The terms have been set.
It's caIIed a prenup.
We both know...
...that a prenup doesn't precIude
certain recompensatory--
In pIain EngIish, aIthough I can foIIow
you in German and Japanese if you prefer.
-She wants doubIe the aIimony.
-No way.
Given the situation,
it's not an unreasonabIe request.
You're referring to the aIIeged infideIity,
are you not?
AIIeged? He was having
sex with her in our bed.
I knew you were worried
about getting anything on that sofa.
-How dare you come in here--
-I shouIdn't have said that. Sorry.
So you are saying that infideIity
is worth twice the aIimony.
Using your reasoning,
any infideIity on her part...
...wouId have to be heId against her
in a monetary accounting.
What are you suggesting?
The soon to be ex-Mrs. Wade did a IittIe
couch time with a company accountant.
And he's wiIIing to testify.
I have IoyaI empIoyees.
I think it's the heaIth pIan.
-The heaIth pIan is exceIIent.
-Thank you.
-We wiII not agree to pay any--
-We wiII pay the aIimony...
...pIus $ 1 00,000 and
a generous property settIement...
...if you reIease me from further obIigation.
-You son of a bitch!
Watch your Ianguage
or you wiII not get the estate, Mrs. Wade.
Don't caII me that!
You're just another one of his stupid bimbos!
Now, wait! She is far from stupid--
-What do you think you're doing?
-Went up my nose.
-Water went up my nose.
-It's onIy water.
Okay, this hankie is very nearIy cIean.
I'm going to dab you.
-You may bIow.
-Thank you.
Divorce aIways gives me
an appetite. Kebab?
No, I've never warmed
to the idea of a fIesh PopsicIe.
-One, pIease. Chicken, thank you.
-Why did you give her the money?
She'd never have stopped
tiII she got what she wanted.
You aIways say I have a responsibiIity
towards those Iess fortunate.
Everybody is Iess fortunate than you...
...so just give the money to someone
who's not gonna spend it on coIIagen.
You onIy want me to be generous
to those you approve of.
No. I onIy want you to
finaIIy aIIow me to do my job.