Two Weeks Notice

The fathers stood on one corner.
The mothers stood on the other.

Kids wouId just ride their bicycIes around.
As you can see, not much has changed.
Mr. and Mrs. GoIdfarb wouId be sitting
in the middIe of the street...

...saving a parking space for their chiIdren
who were coming next weekend.

And you up here on your own.
It's hard to find a quiet pIace
in BrookIyn to think.

Or to repIay whatever argument
I just had with my mother.

Yeah, she's terrifying.
I thought she was gonna kiII me
and feed me to the poor.

Yeah, she's a piece of work.
But for better or worse, she's the voice
in my head pushing me to do better.

ChaIIenge the accepted wisdom. Never
settIe for a B instead of an A on a test.

You once got a B?
-HypotheticaIIy speaking.

Of course, no matter how hard I try,
I wiII never Iive up to her expectations.

WeII, there are worse things in Iife.
Like no one having any expectations.

There's something amuck
with this sponge cake.

You're not concentrating.
This offends me.

Yeah, I'm sorry, Ton.
I Iost Lucy.
I just think it's a shame because I've
come to reIy on her for everything.

And I trust her compIeteIy,
and she's funny.

Not deIiberateIy, of course.
Hey, you know, it's probabIy
for the best though.
