Okay, not so Ioud.
We didn't....
Last-- We didn't....
It was a magicaI night.
You made sounds I've never heard
a woman make before.
We didn't....
Not physicaIIy, but spirituaIIy,
you were the best I've ever had.
Whatever I did or didn't do
or said or didn't say...
...it was aII a IittIe mistake.
WeII, nothing happened.
That's a reIief.
I'm very busy. I have work to do.
You stay there and reIax.
Okay, I'II see you Iater.
Jesus, carefuI.
There's a June Carver to see you.
-June Carver, June Carver, June Carver.
-She went to Harvard.
Yeah, weII, so did I. Now Iook at me.
Norman. Norman. Norman.
She didn't have a strong background
in property Iaw.
She's down from Boston.
She onIy wants five minutes.
This is June Carver.
-Hi. It's a pIeasure to meet you.
-You too.
I don't have an appointment,
so feeI free to throw me out.
WeII, I have security on standby.
-Have a seat, pIease.
Did you have CriminaI
with Professor Rappaport?
-Oh, my God. I'm stiII shaking.
But I have to teII you, Miss KeIson,
you are a Iegend there.