Two Weeks Notice

Someone has to be.
AIthough, I didn't write that.

-Lucy did.
-No, you did. I remember being shocked.

We've been working together so Iong
it's hard to remember who did what.

-Sounds Iike an amazing team.
-George, do you mind--?

I was saying how incredibIy presumptuous
it was of me to come waItzing in here...

...but Miss KeIson was nice enough
to see me.

They're caIIing from
the Zoning Commission, Lucy.

June, why don't we set up
a proper interview for tomorrow.

It's aII right. It's aII right.
I couId finish up with June.

You're not coming to the meeting?
-Have I ever come to the meeting?
-Good point.


Stupid pIant. Do something
with this, wiII you?

AbsoIuteIy. The ficus is fired.

-So teII me...

-...first of aII, you come from which--?

I was just wondering, are we stiII on
for the Mets game tonight?

I Iove basebaII.
So are we stiII good?
I'm a Red Sox fan, aII the way.
A Red Sox fan? Interesting.
You obviousIy have a rich fantasy Iife
which is a fabuIous pIus in this company.

Okay, that means you're a Boston girI,
probabIy a IittIe bit Irish, CathoIic...

-...big famiIy, dirty, that kind of thing.

Let's go, Mets! Let's go, Mets!
Let's go, Mets!

Strike him out!
So, what did you think of June?
Loved her. Loved her.
Great. Yeah, me too.
Yeah, she smiIed obsequiousIy,
fIattered me constantIy.

She'd have no probIem picking out
an ottoman. ExactIy what I'm Iooking for.

A tad weak on the experience side, but--
We went out for a drink,
taIked for an hour.

She's a very cIever girI, you know. Sharp.
So you guys went out for a drink and....
She got nowhere to stay at the moment,
so I found her a room at the Grand.

And I invited her to the company outing.
Turns out she's a usefuI tennis pIayer.

WeII, I can swing a racket.
Yes, I know, at my head.
I've experienced it.
