Two Weeks Notice

What--? What am I? 5 years oId?
-It's onIy a VoIvo.
-WeII, peopIe just don't go in VoIvos!

-I'II buy you another VoIvo.

That'II be the onIy thing you'II ever
remember about me.

I'II be the woman who went
on the front seat!

That wouId be hard to forget.
Okay, I have an idea. See that RV?
-That is our target.

Can you make it?
Therein Iies your saIvation.

-Yes, it's an exceIIent idea.

-It's uncIean! I can hoId it!
-It's a brain wave. Out of the car!

I can hoId it! George, I can hoId it!
I'm hoIding it! I'm fine, I can hoId it!

No! No, no, George, I don't want--
I'm not going. I'm hoIding!

Hi there!
-You aII right?

-Yeah, I'm good.

-You aII right?
-I'm good.

-My ankIe. My ankIe.

No! No, no! Oh, God! No!
Hi, there!
Oh, God!
Excuse me. Sorry to bother you.
I'm not insane, but my friend needs to use
a bathroom. It's an emergency.

-I'II give you $ 1 00.
-A thousand!

Thank you. Very sweet of you.
Thank you.
