
Iceman, last week after
you were convicted,,,

boxing's various
so-called governing bodies...

began stripping you of
your title belts...

stripping you--
Who they think they kidding?
Everybody knows I'm the champ.
And I'm gonna be the champ
till I quit.

This fight with
Manfredy is meant to be,,,

just a tune-up for
George "The Iceman" Chambers,,,

hopefully leading
to the unification bout,,,

with Montel Briscoe,,,
undefeated holder
of the WBC crown,

The two biggest names in boxing
on a collision course,,,

sometime next year,,,
assuming the Iceman gets by
the South American challenger,

[Club music plays]
It's round 1 and one to go,
and it's all Iceman!

He's stalking Manfredy,
chasing the big South American,

Iceman with a right,
another right,

Another right
and a left to the body!

Oh, and a right-hand uppercut,
That staggered Manfredy!

Iceman stalking him,
He knows he's got him hurt,

Oh, body shots!
Right, left to the body!

Left hook and he's down!
He's down! He's down!

That's why they call him
the Iceman!

Well, Carlos Manfredy,,,
gets a one-way ticket
back to Brazil!

George "Iceman" Chambers,,,
remains undefeated
heavyweight champion!

And the big man on the block!
Are you fighting Montel next?
Just another sucker who's
gonna get his ass whipped.

If the money's right,
bring on Montel.

Nobody's running,
nobody's ducking.

Nobody--l mean, nobody--
can stand up to what I got.
