
It's a better fight
with six-ounce gloves.

Get 'em,
[Hip-hop music plays]
How you doing, brother?

First, there's a smile,
then comes a cheap shot, huh?

I guess nobody's dumb enough
to fall for that twice, huh?

You got that right, Mr. Iceman.
You can call me Champ.
Now see, you've been told.
In here, I'm the champ.
You believe that, you must
believe in the tooth fair.

Nobody's backing up.
Hold on, brother.
You gonna get your chance.

[Bass music plays slowly]
Good evening,
I'm Maureen O'Boyle,

Tonight on CNO X's
"The inside Story",,,

we'll be talking
with Tawnee Rawlins,,,

in an exclusive interview,,,
that will be her
first public statement...

since the sensational
trial and conviction...

of George "Iceman" Chambers...
former heavyweight
champion of the world.

Thanks for being
with us, Tawnee.

I was scared.
I didn't want
to be there anymore.

I--I didn't want
to do nothing with him...

but he wouldn't stop.
This whole thing
is just such a mess.

I've been out of work...
since this
whole thing happened...

and I had to have lots
of doctors and lawyers...

and I got stacks of mail
from people...
