They dragged them out here
and stacked them up like firewood.
-lt was an all-night feeding party.
-What about your f riend?
They destroyed us.
Look what they've done.
-She came with several others.
-She? Their master's a woman?
You know she's death,
yet you want to give in.
l was buying supplies.
l returned just before dawn...
...but ran out of gas on the road.
l saw people coming.
l sensed something was wrong,
so l hid.
Then she passed.
l was lucky.
She didn't bother with me
because she had what she came for.
The history of my church
holds some ugly secrets.
One secret is an ancient battle cross.
The Black Cross of Berzier.
Vampires believe it gives
the power to walk in daylight.
Reverse ex orcism.
Every sucker's dream.
There's no secrets.
To civilians it's like mumbo jumbo.
You know differently, don't you?
lt's adding up.
Father Adam brings the cross
here because it's safe.
lt was, until his new f riend comes.
She needed it.
She needed the blood of a slayer.
Now she's got both.
-What slayer?
-l've been recruiting hunters.
The vampire gets there just before me.
These were good hunters.
They put up a fight, until the coffee
shop with Jesse Brooks.