Swear to God, you can smell it.
-Shit, yeah.
-They smile, they talk to you.
But after a while all you hear
is a pulse.
Just beating away.
And guess what, smart-ass?
l can hear yours.
Good shot.
Yeah. l had a feeling about that punk
all the way down here.
-So you're f rom Memphis.
-Ray Collins.
-Derek Bliss.
-Cool to meet you.
What stops a bogey that cold?
Smith & Wesson, 12-gauge.
The real secret's the shells.
Hand-turned teakwood.
Fill them up with lead.
Like a deer slug. Packs a wallop.
That hunk of wood goes right inside,
just stays right there.
Of course, you still gotta
do the usual, you know.
What's he doing?
Brody said you had a big job.
Bring along plenty of those slugs?
Oh, yeah.
What you guys doing?
ls this real, or what?
lt's about time we head out.
-Got plenty of bloodsuckers in Memphis?
-Plenty everywhere, far as l can tell.