How bad do you wanna be...
a Delta?
Would you walk on broken glass?
Let the shards tear
into your Achilles tendon...
causing acute achondroplasia...
which could lead to non-congenital
dwarfism as you got older?
Ease up on the medical terms.
Just keep it simple and terrifying.
Gordon, there are very few things more
terrifying than non-congenital dwarfism.
Hey, Richard.
Ready to study?
Gwenny, I said 9:30.
It's 9:20.
I'm in the middle
of an 80-year tradition here.
I will be up when I'm done with
my presidential responsibilities.
Okay, I'll wait for you upstairs.
Who's my alabaster princess?
You are. You are.
Relax, guys.
They're just Doritos.
Listen to me,
you little fuck stains!
When I count to three, you will jump
or be banished from this house forever!
One, two--
Excuse me.
Where can I find Van Wilder?
In the Guiness Book
of World-fucking-Records, man...
under "Raddest fucking dude alive"!
Okay. Thanks.
In any one of these three rooms,