The CD250's growing!
That mark means
it's more than 30 days old.
..without the Nishiwakitrophin...
...we were feeding it...
...the telomerase genes
stop functioning...
...and apoptosis...
...should happen faster.
Meaning it should die.
There was no self-destruct
program in Number 13.
And human cancer cells
were used as well?
Ms Misaki...
...was it you who did this?
I made survival
its first priority.
Why wasn't I asked?
I thought you'd say no.
You're damn right!
You know how fast
cancer cells mutate!
Doesn't it make you happy
to think that child is alive?
In a lab pool, yes.
You can go.
Miyanomori and I will see
what we can do.
How do you...
How do you plan to bring
the situation under control?
Kill that thing.
We've already recommended
that to the client.
Excuse me.
Do you think she was feeding it
In a pool, maybe.
But not in Tokyo Bay.