"Dalian, south winds, 6 knots,
cloudy, 08, 23 degrees."
"Qingdao, southeast wind, 14 knots,
cloudy, 06, 24 degrees."
"Shanghai, winds SSW, 10 knots,
clear, 08, 28 degrees."
"Hankou, winds ESE, 2 knots,
clear, 01, 32 degrees."
"Amoy, no wind, very clear,
05, 28 degrees."
"Hongkong, east winds, 5 knots,
light rain, 01, 28 degrees."
"Manila, winds ESE, 4 knots,
rain, 08, 24 degrees."
"Chichijima, northwest winds, 2 knots,
cloudy, 16, 26 degrees."
"Minamitorishima, east winds, 12 knots,
clear, 15, 26 degrees."
Mt.Fuji, northwest winds, 26 knots,
and the temperature is 2 degrees.