It seems too graphicand unemotional.
I would preferthose grieving people.
- For this double page here?
Yes, for the big page.- Okay.
There's already a great dealof misery in it!
I like this sadfigure walking through
the streets full of destruction...
Fits perfect!
And Goma! One million refugees!Thousands died
and couldn't beburied in the volcanic
soil. There were piles of corpses!
Right! The piles of corpses...
It'd be great!There are the piles!
That looks fantastic!
You think we shoulduse this one? - I'd enlarge it.
This is also a terrific picture.
The corpses being dumped.- Maybe we should put it here.
Have it enlarged.- Okay, fine.
Can you tell that the corpsesbeing dumped aren't in Africa?
You don't haveto see the corpses...
You can substitutethem with this.
Here you feel like you're beingshown some scene in Africa.
It starts with Africa, and youthink it's an African horror trip.
But his idea is worldwide horror.
It zooms in again...- Then there's the head...