
You're already 30 minutes too late.
Put it out on the wire.
Everything under control? They're all inside?
Did you check the place?

Oh fuck, not him.
Everything is going alright. No panic. They are
inside and we have contact now and then.

Tell them we are sending someone.
I didn't ask for anyone.

What is this ladies? Why not just
work like everyone else.

Go home. I'm working here.
Go ahead.
What are you doing? I'm in charge here.
Stay where you are or I'll make a hole in this man's head.

No, you're not shooting anyone.
I'm the only one here who's allowed to do such a thing.

This is all that's left of your girlfriend.
Now give up and surrender.

Irene, my head is spinning.
He's going to hurt us.

Honey, he's not going to do anything.
We have all the dynamite and guns. What
can he do? He's bullshitting.

Oh you have a gun?
From here it looks more like a piercingmachine.

Shut up.
Very funny. Now show yours.

Oh my, look at that.
-Wow, that's big enough for a horse.

Gonna hurt really bad.
Give it up guy.

I'd rather not.
You could break your nails.

Don't fool with me. Push it
gently my way.

Okay, but I warned you.
Haha, you saw that girls? How do I look?
Okay, game's over.

I'll count to ten. Very slow.
We'll keep it at your level.

What are you going to do,
I got your piece right here.

1 , 2...
