She doesn't look like you.
Except for the nose. Let's go on.
Anti-personel bazooka, made in Korea.
It can stop a tank.
You got something I can use in town?
-I have something small for that, very light.
This is a classic. A 357 Magnum.
The latest Uzi.
50 rounds per second.
And from Russia with love,
you can use mustard gas with that.
From Argentina, something to
use from a distance, and some grenades.
I'll take this one.
I knew it.
You don't want some grenades?
No, maybe later. I have to stay discreet.
I don't want to scare her.
Do you know what's going on?
-No I don't know much yet.
The woman I love disappears
just like that...
and about 19 years later she's dead. She
leaves me a daughter and 200 million dollars.
200 million dollars?
-That's what's on the bank account.
But at the rate she spends it
it won't last very long.
200 million dollars.
Yes and a bunch of idiots with sunglasses
are following us since we left the bank.
I think they want the money.
-I get it. 200 million dollars.
And there where it all began
it shall end.
I'm not in her will for nothing.
I think she needed help.
Someone or something
must have stopped her.
She left me certain clues.
-Yes and 200 million dollars.
Stop talking about that.
It's not for you. Forget it.
Would you be able to get Miko's file?
Yes I think so.
I know a guy for that.
We will have to look into her past
to understand it.
I'm ready.
-Ready for what?