Life ain't funny, so quit it!
Listen to me.
I'm gonna tell you a secret.
A secret so you can laugh too.
Listen to me, you fool!
I am gonna tell you something
that will change your life.
You remember the old brick building
on Chester Avenue?
- There's a million brick buildings on...
- No! No.
The old flour factory.
With the bright gold brick.
What about it?
I'll wait for you
and think of you every night.
Listen to me, idiot.
I need a Mullinski.
I want you to go back to Collinwood.
Find someone to take the rap
for this car fiasco for me.
I'll pay 15 grand.
Fifteen grand?
Where are you gonna get 15 grand?
From a shoebox.
What shoebox?
It's under my bed.
You said we couldn't get married,
because you were broke.
You lied to me, you son of a bitch.
Of all the shit you've put me through.
If we'd used that money,
I'm stuck in here.
- You want that? You want me in jail?
- No. No.
- I want you to buy me a ring.
- All right. Listen to what I'm saying.
I heard about a job in here.
The greatest job I've ever heard of.
It'll give us all the money we could
ever use for the rest of our lives.