You rather I fight a woman?
Tonight, I fight a priest.
Tomorrow, I fight
for the championship.
- This jackass is our last chance.
- Maybe sweeten the deal.
He's this close. I say we go
equal parts on another 1000.
A thousand dollars
would get my wife out.
What is it with you guys?
You gotta spend money to make money.
Man, she's right. If we don't
spring Cosimo, there's no job.
We'll go 16,000 on the deal.
I don't need it. When my career takes
off, I'm spinning on this neighborhood.
- Mahlovic, you're up! Let's go.
- All right.
See you after the fight.
Pero, buma- ye!
I'm so pretty. I'm so pretty. Come on!
Cosimo Cosanawowski, for attempted
grand-theft auto, you are sentenced to...
- Stop the proceedings! Stop!
- Order. Order.
- Hold on! Hear me out. Hear me out.
- Remove him.
Please, Your Honor, I'm here to confess.
That man is innocent.
Your Honor, I can no longer live
with the guilt.
It was me who was stealing that car.
I confess.
My brother Cosimo, Saint Cosimo,
as he's known on the streets...
...was only trying to stop me.
I told him:
"Cosimo, I mean to steal this car.
I am a car thief.
I steal cars. By myself."
I'm gonna kill you!
- Wait. Hold on.
- You're the worst Mullinski ever.