Wait, Carmela. Carmela.
Carmela, wait a second!
I'm sorry for the disturbance.
But I was enjoying an evening
with my girlfriend...
...when that mob attacked me.
- Get out of here.
Pero Mahlovic. 122 Ivanhoe.
- Sgt. Babitch, thank God you're here...
- Shut up.
The way you're going,
I should have them reserve you a cell.
You're such a kidder, Sgt. Babitch.
This is a very dangerous area.
Don't get smart with me,
you little prick.
- I will shit in you.
- Yeah. Yeah, I know. I know.
I'll be seeing you around, champ.
Okay, then.
Maybe at the mixer next week?
So that was very noble of you,
what you did tonight, you know.
No one's ever fought
over me that much.
Well, I can't help it.
I guess I feel compelled.
Why did that girl say
those things about me?
You know, she was jealous.
She was telling the truth.
I'm really just a maid.
I thought because you were
a big salesman and everything...
...you wouldn't like me as much, so...
Please. We live in a democracy.
I don't care you're a maid.
You can be anything you want.
I know. I just...
I don't know. I was just being silly.
I'm a silly liar.
You're not silly.
You're not silly.
- You know those old ladies I work for?
- Yeah.
They're going out of town on Tuesday.